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company news

Interpretation of the reasons for the rapid development of light steel integrated houses

来源:网络 点击: 发布时间:2021-09-29 22:54:54
Since the reform and opening up, our country’s high-tech enterprises have developed rapidly. What we want to share with you today is that even the traditional mud tile work such as building houses has also been equipped with high-tech express trains. Light-steel integrated houses are a good one. illustration. Let's get to know the relevant knowledge together. The emergence of integrated houses is a good solution to the increasingly scarce resources of the earth where we live, because it is a resource that can be recycled and reused and fully embodies the concept of renewable use of building materials. It uses composite structural light steel materials, with recyclable steel plates and steel as the building theme. It can use the current high-tech technology to design and display the style of building houses. We can directly modify the parts that we are not satisfied with, and display the house to be built in 3D in front of us in advance, which saves money. This saves time and avoids the occurrence of unsatisfactory areas in the construction process that were pushed to reconstruction and saves unnecessary waste. It can also use advanced production equipment in the factory for production, and then pull it to the site for direct assembly, which not only speeds up the construction, but also makes the entire construction process more standardized, industrialized, and streamlined. The emergence of light-steel integrated houses is the inevitable result of social development and the improvement of people's cognition. It is a concentrated expression of human beings making full use of existing advanced productivity. It is a favorable example of science and technology as productivity.